Rudy gay rumors

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Now the former is gone and the latter only has two years left on his deal, meaning the front office has an eye on the clock as it attempts to impress him with a rebuild. 'Gay was an odd fit from the start with the team, never meshing well with Rajon Rondo and DeMarcus Cousins. It seems that Sacramento has not heard an offer they like as of yet, but the Knicks could change that. Because he's 'unlikely to negotiate a new deal to return to. The New York Knicks have a legitimate opportunity to acquire Gay from Sacramento, and he could be the final piece of a roster overhaul intended to get the Knicks not only into the playoffs but into title contention.īleacher Report details that Rudy Gay was never a good fit with the Kings and that the high-scoring forward is still being made available via the trade market. Rudy Gay has reportedly informed the Sacramento Kings that he'll decline his 2017 player option to become an unrestricted free agent. There has been rumored interest in Gay from a number of NBA teams, but none of those deals have gone through.

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Rudy Gay is being shopped around the league as the Kings try to move beyond their disappointing 2015-16 season.

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